• House #4, Street #1, Gulai Khawaja Boghra, Khair Khana

    Kabul, Afghanistan

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Economic Empowerment and Social Development

PTCRO undertakes a variety of economic empowerment activities to uplift communities and individuals. These initiatives include:

  1. Microfinance Programs: Providing small loans or financial services to low-income and poor women and girls, and entrepreneurs to start or expand businesses; access to savings groups, savings and loans groups, insurance, and microcredit for their income-generating activities or micro-enterprises.
  2. Cash transfers: Involves the transfer of cash or other assets that are a form of social protection typically targeted to the poor. These transfers can be contingent on specific behaviors or provided without condition.
  3. Vocational Training: Offering training in various skills to enhance employability and income-generating opportunities. For example, sewing classes to help women become self-reliant; the use of new technologies (e.g., computers), business processes, management of assets (e.g., care and use of livestock), and entrepreneurial skills. These activities are sometimes linked to broader education programs that focus on “life skills” education for adolescents to improve self-efficacy, decision-making, and risk perception.
  4. Livelihood Support: Providing resources such as seeds, tools, or livestock to enable sustainable livelihoods. For example, supporting greenhouse projects to improve yield and promote sustainability.
  5. Financial Literacy: Educating individuals on basic financial management, budgeting, and saving.
  6. Market Access: Facilitating access to markets for goods produced by local communities.
  7. Entrepreneurship Development: Training individuals to start and manage their own businesses.
  8. Job Placement Services: Assisting individuals in finding employment through networking and training.
  9. Asset Building: Helping individuals acquire assets such as land, housing, or equipment.
  10. Community Savings and Loan Groups: Establishing groups to pool savings and provide loans within the community.
  11. Advocacy and Policy Work: Advocating for policies that promote economic opportunities for marginalized groups especially women.

Donating to small Afghan businesses has significant and lasting impacts. Here is why it is a smart and meaningful choice. Your donations help create jobs, boost local economies, and foster economic independence, leading to broader economic growth, which will have the below impacts: